BYST focuses on assisting disadvantaged Indian youth to convert their business ideas into viable enterprises. Smart Training for Enterprise Planning (STEP), is an effort in this direction.
The program guides young entrepreneurs through the various steps in their journey to setting up and running a successful enterprise. BYST counselors and mentors are key to the experience.
This program is an aspiring entrepreneur’s first touch base with BYST. The program comprises of a series of ONLINE sessions spanning across 2 elapsed days. The sessions introduce entrepreneurs to ‘must know’ topics and prepare them to submit a robust application for a bank loan. The course content will only be accessible to the facilitators. Entrepreneurs however must access and pass the assessment to successfully complete the course.
Training offered to entrepreneurs who are successful in getting loans. Includes a detailed set of digital modules on Entrepreneurship and a minimum of four digital sessions per year on relevant topics like Decent Work, Accounting, Digital Marketing and the like. Access to this training is provided 3-5 months after the pre-loan training.
High-Flyer CLUB
Comprises of exclusive training sessions conducted for high performers within the BYST entrepreneur community. Includes webinars and expert panels on a variety of relevant and high-impact topics.